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Worthington Primary School is at the centre of a close-knit community. It is a school where excellent education and development of children is paramount.

What is the Governing Body?

The governing body is made up of people from the local community who have a responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement for all of our children.

There are three key things that the governing body must do:

  • Ensure that there is a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction for the school

  • Hold the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils

  • Oversee the financial performance of the school and ensure that money is spent as effectively as possible.

Governors are expected to act as a “critical friend” to the school.  They work with the Head Teacher and Staff taking a common sense approach to ensuring that the school is performing to the best of its ability and that the children in our care get the best possible education.

If you would like to know more about the work of the school Governing Body or would like to get involved then please contact Mandy on 01530 222319 or or speak to any of the Governors listed below.

Who's Who?

Our current constitution allows for up to 10 Governors with a maximum of three being nominated as parent Governors.  Each of our Governors is elected as either a parent, co-opted, Local Authority or staff member.

Governors currently meet at least once a term to review school performance and to set the goals and direction for the school.  We also have four committees that meet once a term to support the work of the Governing Body.

Our current Governing Body members are listed below:


Type of Governor  


                                Committee  membership                                         

Terms of Office   

Kate Whitton 




Chair of Governors Finance, HR

1/11/21 - 31/10/25

Natasha Clark




Head Teacher  

Finance, Safeguarding/Health & Safety, HR, Standards and curriculum



Elaine Fountain


SEND  Governor





Amy McGrath




 LAC Governor

Safeguarding Lead

Safeguarding/Health & Safety (Chair)



Roz Tanner Co-opted

Vice Chair



Finance (Chair), HR (Chair)





Pratisha Mistry Staff   Finance, Standards and Curriculum 01/09/2022-31/08/2026
Katy Dugdale-Baker Parent   Safeguarding/Health & Safety, Standards and Curriculum 16/11/2022-15/11/2026
Chris Douglas Co-opted   Safeguarding/Health & Safety 16/11/2022-15/11/2026
Tim Rogers Parent   Standards and Curriculum 16/11/2022-15/11/2026
Christine Greenall Clerk     NA

Attendance Register