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Remote Learning

Remote Education plans

Learning when isolating at home

Dear Parents,

If your child is displaying symptoms of Covid 19 or is having to isolate for any other reason and is kept at home, it is the expectation that they will continue to learn using our online platform Seesaw and our teaching staff will set work for them to complete. This is in addition to quality reading time and completing homework. If they are too ill to work please communicate this with us as we are accountable for learning at home as well as at school.

The Government has asked schools to ensure they have in place their remote education plans for individuals or groups of children who are self-isolating due to Covid 19 as soon as possible, so I am sending out the following plan so you can see what is expected of us as a school and what is expected of you.

The following outlines the remote Education support we will offer your child.

We expect to:

  • Use a curriculum sequence that allows access to high quality online and offline resources and teaching videos, and that is linked to the school’s curriculum expectations. We will follow our curriculum plans.
  • Give access to high quality remote education resources
  • Select online tools that will be consistently used across the school in order to allow interaction, assessment and feedback.
  • Provide a work book and or text books and possibly an Ipad or computer for those children who are unable to access online support.
  • Support SEND children.
  • Children will have meaningful and ambitious work each day in all subjects.
  • Provide frequent, clear explanations of new content, delivered by a teacher in the school or online videos.
  • Daily contact with teachers.
  • Attendance will be monitored and children will be expected to engage in the learning.
  • We may use the DfE list of remote education resources such as for phonics, to aid our delivery of the lesson-

The following information outlines what this will look like for each class.

Class 1 (Reception and Year 1)

  • Zoom lessons with Miss Dennis for every subject
  • Work provided on seesaw and clear expectations to complete after the virtual lesson.
  • Work or activity to be competed in the Work book so ideally no printing required.
  • Marking and feedback will be delivered through Seesaw

Year 2 children

  • Zoom lessons with Mrs Pester or Mrs Clark for English and Maths
  • Work provided on seesaw with clear expectations to be completed after the virtual lesson.
  • Work or activity to be competed in the Work book
  • Marking and feedback will be delivered through Seesaw by the teacher.
  • Other curriculum subject will be taught by Miss Dennis.

Class 2 children (Year 3 and 4)

  • Zoom lessons with Mrs Scott-Blore for every subject
  • Work provided on seesaw with clear expectations
  • Work or activity to be competed in the Work book
  • Marking and feedback will be delivered through Seesaw by the teacher.

Class 3 children (Year 5 and 6)

  • Zoom lessons with Miss Mistry for every subject
  • Work provided on seesaw with clear expectations
  • Work or activity to be competed in the Work book
  • Marking and feedback will be delivered through Seesaw by the teacher.

Kind Regards
Natasha Clark