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Worthington Primary School

Physical Education - Statement of Intent.

 Worthington Primary School believes that Physical Education is an essential part of a child’s educational development and it is our aim for all children to develop a passion for life-long health and fitness.

We aim to develop a balanced program offering a variety of activities to enhance skills in physical education. Positive participation in PE will enable children to build self-esteem, team work and a positive attitude in PE.

The school has facilities to provide opportunities for PE within National Curriculum Guidelines. The children annually take part in tournaments such as Area Athletics Meeting, Kwik Cricket, Tag Rugby and Orienteering. Use is also made of local sports clubs (e.g. Judo, Fencing, Bowling) and local facility swimming baths. The school is part of the North West Leicestershire Sports Partnership which provides sporting opportunities for pupils.


Our PE curriculum is varied and long-term plans ensure that we meet the requirements of the National Curriculum. All pupils receive at least two hours of high quality PE using the outside space or school hall.  All children have twice weekly PE lessons with the schools PE teacher.

Our PE curriculum is sequenced precisely to ensure progression of knowledge and skills throughout a child’s primary education, thus enabling children to build upon prior experiences and apply these fluently, with confidence. Children also have the opportunity to further these skills at after school sports clubs thus making club links within the community and development officers for specific sports. At Worthington we endeavour to provide a broad range of activities based on children’s interests and new initiatives.

Although we enjoy the competitive nature of sport, we also appreciate and encourage the importance of children ‘having a go’ and promote positive experiences of being physically active and not always participate to win. We have an inclusive approach and value the importance of physical and mental well-being.

Children take part in a range of invasion, striking & fielding or net & wall games, we promote imagination and creativity in gymnastics and dance as well as provide opportunities for athletics using both indoor and outdoor environments plus outdoor and adventurous activities. In KS2, children go on a residential course for outdoor activities. Children have swimming lessons from Year 3 and continue every year up to Year 6.

Physical Education is fundamental in developing healthy lifestyles in young people and at Worthington we provide a wide array of opportunities to develop this and sporting skills outside of the normal curriculum time.

Playtimes are an important part of our pupils being happy, healthy and ready to learn. We have well-staffed and an equipped playground, a sports field and an adventure playground.

To develop leadership and communication skills, children in Years 5 and 6 children can apply to become a Young Sports Leader which is a responsible role in encouraging younger children to learn how to play collaborative games, respecting rules and to be as active as possible during playtimes. Children selected are positive role-models for younger members of the school, organising lunchtime games and assisting with annual sports days.

Sporting Aims and impact

To fulfil our vision by inspiring a generation, at Worthington we motivate children to participate in a variety of sports which are engaging and fun. We inspire children to instinctively utilise skills and knowledge acquired during PE lessons, encouraging them to take responsibility for their own health and fitness thus developing a love of sport leading to a happy and healthy life.

We ensure that children have opportunities to develop their physical skills and talents in a variety of sporting activities e.g.  gym, dance, outdoor/indoor games, swimming and athletics.

All children will have weekly games and/or PE lessons for 2 hours a week; plus there are various other activities for children to participate in at lunchtime and after school.

We are proud to have achieved the Gold kite-mark for our sports and activity works.

PE and Sport Premium

Schools receive funding to support our PE aims. It is used in the following ways;

  • To improve the quality of PE teaching through provision of CPD courses
  • To provide 2 hours of PE per week to all children
  • To provide an additional 30 mins per day activity in school
  • To improve PE resources, kits and schemes of work
  • To broaden learners experience through offering a range of sports
  • To increase pupil participation in sport
  • To engage those pupils who are reluctant to participate in sporting activities
  • To engage with the North West Leicestershire School Sports Partnership who provide inter school sports competition
  • To participate in the School Games Mark and achieve requirements